Monday, April 2, 2018

First Day Working at Camp

I took a little bit of a break as my schedule changed with my last week of work and going home for Easter and now starting my new job at camp. The first day was really good. It's just so different than what I've been doing for the past year. I'm really excited for the opportunity but I know I'm going to need to motivate myself and hold myself accountable for getting stuff done and sticking to a schedule. My last job just had such a real, concrete ever-present need whenever I was on the clock and I got used to that and it was almost comforting once I found my rhythm. Like there was never really any question of was I working or not. I definitely was if I was with students. I always had to be "on" more or less.

Anyway, today I did some brainstorming and starting sketching out ideas for counselor training week and a special day at camp that I hope can become a new tradition or at the very least spice things up a bit. Now I'm gonna work on one of the things I've been meaning to do for a long time. Maybe pictures to come later!