Thursday, January 4, 2018

blue and yellow chat

This guy, his name is Robbie, showed up in the desert that Yellow and Blue were walking in and he told them stuff about how they were overly ambitious kids who weren't taking the time to learn about things before they do stuff. It's just go-go-go all the time like that one sequence in the Jetsons when George gets caught on the treadmill because Astro tricked him because he was a naughty dog. Anyway, then it cut away to Midge or Bev or whatever her name is and she addressed the audience directly and said that she was a boss lady and didn't need no rescuing and that she was no angel and no stranger to the streets. Now we're back to Yellow and Blue who need to have a conversation since they're like the main characters of the whole thing and they haven't really spoken at all.

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