Thursday, March 2, 2017

RRRRrrrrRRace Report


CrabWut said...

I'm looking at these numbers.

Should they be making me feel happy?

Or sad and stuff?

Andy Lawrence said...

That's a really good question. I'm assuming you're talking about the numbers on the last panel. They should definitely have more context.

I can't really say how they should make you feel but they make me feel happy. The point of listing the paces was to show how my pace for a half marathon was faster or almost as fast as my pace for shorter races that I ran last year.

So in this race I ran 13 miles at a faster pace than I used to could only run 10 miles. And I was almost as fast as the goodest I have ever run for 6.2 miles. So that's cool.

Crub said...

What about the two hats?