Tuesday, January 17, 2017

2016 T_S Blog Review by Julie

all words by Julie 'cept these ones right here.

I tried to do what Funnie did, but I don’t have the stamina. Here’s the best I got.  Hope it helps!

This panel can be used as a meme to express tiny excitements. It was originally used in the post “The Crab Call” wherein the superbowl does not inspire the same excitement in Blob Andy as it does in Crab, but Blandy is happy that his friend is happy.

Tiny Excitement meme is good for acknowledging the importance of little things that don’t necessarily move you internally in a big way. The little things keep you afloat while ur waiting for big transformations!


Little Plants are my favorite characters on this blog because they’re just learning about all of the possibilities of life and choose to be PURELY EVIL. But, in a wonderful twist of fate, the last little plant chooses to be evil in a way that is not only entirely feasible, but also applauded as success when done covertly. Good job little plant!

This exemplifies a major success of the blog: balancing very *serious* critiques with light-heartedness and fun. The result is thinking about sad things while not getting bogged down in sad.

neoliberal plants.jpgracing smile_004.jpg


My favorite occurrence is when otherwise detail-less characters get scary with detail. Or just scary! racing smile_004.jpgclose face_004.jpg


The entirety of the Twoxas series because it not only shows the silly tensions in friendship, but is also an eerily accurate description of mine and Erin’s adventures on the road.


The colors and the artistic ability are key in This One’s for Crab. Especially puffball Erin shooting laser. It has good movement and the transitions between the panels are exciting, yet clear. It has a real ‘action’ vibe in the “voip” to the pink laser scene, and then ties it up with classic t_s humor.


Camp camp camp.


Your mom and I talked about this one. It really captures the nebulous conglomeration of smallness, longing, and appreciation that death inspires. The last panel really ties it together.


Predicament --the speechlessness and the continuous expression of the circle character says so much. It’s an “action>words” situation that got captured really really well with the symbolism of the shovel.


The blob is so Don Hertzfeldt-ish and the humor is truly yours. This might be my favorite panel of 2016.


Hehe  As a general rule, it’s intriguing when comic artists mess with the boxes. This post in particular plays with the whole “brains connect lines” rule.


I don’t necessarily have a favorite for November, but I will comment that the shift from sideways panels to four-squared was a good choice.


More real pictures with comics!!! If you’ve ever read “Teeth”, that’s the vibe. Also this post from 2014. Really fun style. Also Deb is a great character.

Bonus! January 2017

Little Robot and Meg are good repeating characters. Dorris McComics did a lot with repeating characters, especially in her older posts on her blog. It’s a fine line because they don’t tend to be very interesting at first. I liked what you did with the doorknob and hat guy a while back, though. So it’s a good strategy.