Thursday, November 3, 2016

Flowers and the Dirt


Funnie Paranoia said...

I had this kind of conversation with some friends the other day, one said she didn't receive flowers in a long time from anyone, and the way she kept herself from disliking that was observing that a flower is just something already dead that is going to become wilted and sad. But that's just cut flowers, we didn't talk about flowers in dirt.

But also plants can grow in air alone, and sometimes just sitting in water. I'm growing plants in all containers, some in cans of water, some in dirt, some hanging from the wall from a netted clementine bag. I think what has the biggest effect on any of them is just the amount of water they receive. It's what changes them the most, especially when watering isn't regular...

Anonymous said...

The flower may leave but it gives you an insight of a beauty you have never seen before. Each is unique in its edges, where it falls, the leaves that connect to it. The love for the flower is a special one, you don't have to love it for the obvious beauty but for the hidden one in all the wilting petals. They may leave us but they give us the memory of their scent, color, and beauty. And isn't that little bit worth it in the end?

Jules said...

Read the Little Prince~~