Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's Wrong with Tortidlos?

a new series based on a comment made ~40 minutes ago

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to Cook Anything for Dinner


I graduated with a mekor in Science Court

(a mekor is between a major and a minor)

Talking about Running. What could be more funning?

Does the explanation make sense? You alternate between a time at a fast pace and a time at a recovery pace for an overall total time. So ten minutes of alternating between 45 fast and 45 easy. Or it could be 20 minutes of 1 minute fast and 1 minute easy. or 3 minutes fast and 1 minute easy. The choice is yours and YOURS ALONE!

Mostly Talking but then Pants

Oh No! The course of human events!

Horrific Sea Beast

Friday, August 26, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Running Update

I do running a lot but I don't say too much about it here so I'm gonna try to talk more about it and see how that goes.

A Conversation I Had with Erin

This is the abbreviated version. It was referring to newspeak. And me looking around Wal-Mart and being kind of bummed out about society.

Vegetables. I like them.

I don't have many thoughts on the subject of vegetables and what I eat.

BUT I DO HAVE a few thoughts that I feel extremely strongly about and want to reiterate over and over and over again.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

What this comic is about

If you are afflicted with horrible teeth, laughter is your only escape. You won't even be able to find a partner with horrible teeth as well because you'll find each other too hilarious to form a meaningful connection. Silliness is a terrible way to be doomed.


to be continued?

Hi. My name is Normol.

Face wagglies!

Olympic Dreams

American 800m runner Kate Grace made the final at the Olympics. This is a fun way to congratulate her. Say it a lot of times really fast.

Holding a Bag of Farts

Cuddling Post-Run

Monday, August 15, 2016

Re-Exploring This Space

The imagination is a wild place. You go away from it too long and all kinds of crazy stuff is gonna crawl in the dark corners. How will Andy navigate the art space as well as the life space?

A New Cycle