Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happy End of May. Heads up for June.

Note from writing department: APPRECIATE US MORE!

Note from production department: taking job at summer camp soon so may have limited access to laptop and scanner. BUT GET READY FOR A TON OF POSTS TO APPEAR ALL AT ONCE BETWEEN LONG GAPS OF NOTHING! SUMMER 2016!


Crab said...

Tiny Timmy Tutone looks like he's just one frame with different words in each image.

Is he able to move?

Does he mind being frozen in that pose for all of eternity? How can I trust that this enthusiasm is genuine when he's only able to display that one stance and implied emotion?

He's probably internally screaming in anguish.

Bird said...

Let's go tunderscores, let's go! *stomp* Let's go tunderscores, let's go! *clap*

Crab Again said...

Hey! I'm bored! Make some funny, funny man!

Anonymous said...

^ This guy seems crabby.