Saturday, April 30, 2016

Years of Me

A drawing of me's in the real world made by the ever-happening Julie!

Write a story in the comments!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Messages to Erin

These are messages from Erin's phone over the course of a week. Feel free to imagine Erin in comic form and me in mine, and the other things as whatever you want.

Sunday 4/17/2016

9:33 AM

11:11 AM

6:36 PM

Monday 4/18/2016

2:00 AM

7:45 AM

1:11 PM

Tuesday 4/19/2016

8:08 AM

6:35 PM

8:08 PM

Wednesday 4/20/2016

4:33 AM

12:11 PM

3:45 PM

Thursday 4/21/2016

12:01 AM

6:09 AM

2:05 PM

Friday 4/22/2016

6:36 PM

6:37 PM

6:38 PM

Sunday 4/24/2016


Monday, April 25, 2016

Some Words.

Hello, it's time for some words because some things that are important mostly to me are happening tomorrow. We mark the occasion by having these words.

#1- I turn 25 years old. A quarter of a century. Previously I had only been 1/100th, 1/50th, 1/33, 1/25th, 1/20th, 1/10th, and 1/5th! 3 more to collect!

If I've learned anything it's that sometimes it's really important to not be so critical of yourself but other times it's important that you really be much more critical of yourself. So, remember to always be critical of this fact.

What do I hope to accomplish as a 25-year-old?

-run better than all past incarnations of myself. Ever and more!

-work as a work person. I like my job. I would like to keep doing it and get better at it. I don't think I want to pursue being a full time teacher. That could change down the road. But we're only looking at the 25 year old road. Ever and more (up to being 26!)

-be appreciative and kind to all the really great people who choose to interact with me. Some of them probably didn't have much of a choice but thanks anyway! Without them, I would be garbage. Try to make their lives better I should. Ever and more!

-be part of a community and spend time with that community. Charlottesville?!

-keep making stuff. E&M!

-keep reading stuff. E&M!

#2- The blog name changes tomorrow to [t_s]. It'll probably happen when I get back from running tomorrow morning. The url will be I hope. We'll see. If you really like the name The Sheepy Dog, just imagine that [t_s] stands for [The_SheepyDog].

The important thing is that the title and the url and the comic all are aligned. Cuz, isthiswiltchamberlain, and The Sheepy Dog, and the comic that's been going on for a few months that has so far been nameless have nothing to do with each other. So now it'll all be one thing. And therefore better (?)

What else?

If you're reading this, chances are that I think you of as a really fantastic person. This is how writing works, right? You just compliment your imaginary reader in between talking all about yourself?

Everything is arbitrary. So nothing has any real power. But we still give power to arbitrary stuff since that's all we have. So our thinking is important because it's how we weigh the arbitrary stuff and decide which make-believe to believe. And it's not like you can choose to not believe in any make-believe. Because, as the band Rush says,

if you choose not to decide, YOU STILL HAVE MADE A CHOICE!

You know what? Let's just close with this:


Friday, April 22, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016