Thursday, November 12, 2015

Various Perspectives at a Single Moment in Time

And in one moment...

outcasts find peace

the government loses control of the system

a hero turns his back on the world

a revolution is ignited

a madman creepy spook spooky evil oh-nosville for real

innocence is lost

love is forged

and then....

and then...



Jules said...

I think there's a conspiracy between the characters with three fingers against the characters with four fingers.

Not Andy Lawrence said...

I think the ants were part of a top secret government project called Operation NET. Where hyper-intelligent ants would be scattered across the globe and give General Eyebrows remote access to anywhere and anyone at anytime. Meanwhile, the sentient ants organize and start trying to enlist the help of sympathetic humans to take down the very system that created them. There's a whole Prometheus-deal going on where they reject the gift of intelligence and suffering that comes with it. That's where the mad scientist comes in. He just wants to watch the world burn. But then his nephew is the guy in the ant suit who is trying to promote understand and peace between two intelligent species. Of course that fails miserably.

Then all the other stuff is about emotions and the human condition and all that. But really its just this kid telling a story to the kid behind him on the bus and creating the sense of a much larger story by just giving many bits and pieces. And the real fun of building up the whole thing is knocking it down with one big spit-filled explosion sound.