Friday, June 20, 2014

Heads on Heads

Word of the Day!


juxta- Latin. near


position- english. position

Funnest of Facts: juxta is related to the word JOUST! The thing where noble knights charged at each other full speed on horseback and smashed big sticks into each other.

the act or insistence of placing two or more things side by side.

That's the dictionary definition but I like the sense of the word that involves smashing two things together that don't belong! Let them fight it out and see what survives!


Divergent Thinking.

I've become a fan of the mantra: QUANTITY over QUALITY. Yes. Quantity.

And divergent thinking is all about. The question of divergent thinking isn't "can you come up with the correct answer?" but rather, "how many answers can you come up with?"

You're assembling the raw material of your brain. You're pulling out the thoughts and ideas you didn't even know you had and let convergent thinking make sense of it after.
I think it's important and it's something I hope to promote if I ever get myself a teaching jorb.

Henrik Ibsen

The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right.

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