Wednesday, April 2, 2014

not a smash

A hallway from the future was at the bottom of the Ocean. In this hallway was a line of persons. There was a short person, a tall person, and a short person, and an old person. The sign by the line in the hallway from the future at the bottom of the Ocean said, "not a smash" with an arrow pointing that way!

The first person in line was short and he was dressed in green. On the floor in front of him was a target and on the target was a pie. Smashed into the pie was a can of raviolis. The person in green had been waiting for a very long time in the line. For as long as he could remember, he had been in the line. Somedays the line would move a lot. He would have to run as fast as he could to keep up with the line. Sometimes he would wait for hours and line wouldn't move a stinking inch.

He looked at the pie on the floor--with a can of raviolis smashed in it and he said, "This must be what I've been waiting for all these years! I'm gonna eat the whole thing." He bent over to pick up the pie and before he could say, "smash, smush, smoosh", he was smashed and The Wheelbarrow Man picked him up and carried him past the sign that said, "not a smash" with an arrow pointing that way!

The second person in the line was tall and he was dressed in orange. He saw the ravioli pie but couldn't remember seeing the person in green being smashed. All he could remember was that he had been in the line for a very very long time. Some days the line would move very fast and other days it would move very slowly. Most days though, the person in orange thought about giraffes. He loved giraffes and thought giraffes all the time. The only problem was that he had never seen a giraffe and didn't know anything about them. When the person in orange saw the pie with the can of ravioli stuck in it he thought, "This must be a giraffe! It's what I've been waiting for the whole time! I'm gonna have oooooone bite!" And he bent over to pick up the pie and before he could say, "smorsh, smeesh, smash," he was smashed and The Wheelbarrow Man picked him up and carried him past the sign that said, "not a smash," with an arrow pointing that way.

The third person in line was short and he was asleep. He couldn't see the pie because he was asleep. He didn't see the person in orange or the person in green because he was asleep. He had been asleep for a very very very long time. He slept in the line. When he was right in front of the pie he didn't say anything because he was asleep. He was dreaming about eating a pie in two bites. He looked as if he might fall on top of the pie but before he could say, "smursh, smeech, phhhbbtttt!" he was smashed and the Wheelbarrow Man picked him up and carried him past the sign that said, "not a smash" with an arrow pointing that way.

The fourth person in line was old and he dressed in old person clothes. He saw the ravioli pie but couldn't remember anything before that because he was old. All he could remember was that since he was a baby old man to a young old man to an old old man, he'd been waiting in line. When the line moved fast, he ran. When the line didn't move he waited. He looked at the ravioli pie through his thick glasses, then he rubbed his eyes and looked again. He looked seriously at the pie and scratched his droopy chin and then said in an old man voice to absolutely no one, "Raviolis not my favorite." Then, he stepped around the target that the pie was sitting on and with a funny old man walk he walked past the pie and kept walking. He wasn't in a line anymore, he just kept walking........that way!

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