Sunday, August 4, 2013

Some Thoughts on Selfishness from a Giant Monster

Destroy what in is your greatest benefit to destroy! Do not destroy for anyone but yourself!

Eat humans because you truly desire to eat humans. Not because you feel you should eat humans.

If you feel that you must wreak havoc for others because you have had others wreak havoc for you, then are you not acting out of guilt? Rampaging in an attempt to alleviate some sort of cosmic debt. And aren't you then just transferring that guilt on to others by recreating the circumstances that brought about your guilt for selfish reasons? The rain of fire and pain must come from within! Pride is not a bad thing!

If feasting upon the infrastructure of cities is beautiful, then it is good. If battling a giant ocean Colossus that rides a tidal wave of wrath is beautiful, then it is good. It does not matter what disembodied morals or rules have to say about it!

All you have are your senses, urges, desires, acid breath, laser vision, and boiling bile spew. The senses are all you can know, to strive for anything higher, anything beyond this finite realm, is to debase yourself the way no hideous creature should.

Everyone, if they can be honest in a moment of solitude, will hear their inner-blood lust. And cram in our ears the carcasses of eels and snails to drown out the voices of descent. 

If you cast but a lone shadow over the skyline of the metropolis you are about to shatter and flatten, be content. If you are in a crowd of ferocious demons, dragons, and monsters that blot out the sun with their multitudes, be content. 

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