Monday, October 31, 2022

the ol teeth dream

 I had a dream all my teeth fell out. oops.

But I slept well otherwise.

The craziest thing was that in the dream my teeth were falling out and I had the thought, "dang, this time it definitely isn't a dream. It's finally happening in real life. Darn."

And then I woke up and was like, "oh it WAS a dream."

Anyway glad my teeth haven't fallen out.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pasta Luego

I came up with this Halloween costume called Pasta Luego.

It's where I wear a pikachu hat, pink tinted sunglasses, a black tie, a rainbow short sleeved collared shirt, and cut off khakis with a black belt. And I'm called Pasta Luego. That's the whole bit.

And then when people google it they'll find this post. 

what a great day!

great climbing, great running, great people, and now time to eat a delicious late night pizza!

I've made it. I've done it. I've reached the finish line. The race is over. First Place. Me. Winner. Arrived. Here I am. No where else to be. Let's go.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

worked on my car today

 spent a few hours trying to seal up the cracks in the back of the bumper from where it got hit and painting. I think I've covered the cracks pretty well and I did one coat and then came back a few hours later and played around with mixing paints to try to get a better color match. I didn't quite get it perfect but I think I improved it. It looks better.

I'd say it's gone from being hit and scratched to looking like the paint was merely badly scuffed. So, we'll take that.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

man, my poor little car cannot catch a break


I'm 99% sure it was because there wad this big like trailer thing parked across from me in the lot and the thing was parked there for weeks and now it's gone so it must have been when they came to move it they hit me. Probably my leasing company too. jerks.

oh well. it's already got scratches anyway. and it still runs great. It would be nice if it didn't get knicked and scratched and hit all the time but you can't have it all. And I'm fortunate enough that my dad can help fix it up a bit. So I can't be too bummed. And I discovered it moments before going on a run and used that angst to fuel a really great workout. It all worked out okay. 

bring me a toad

sailors go sail a tent

brooms regret being sent

no bones, no blood, no sweat

I ain't got no silhouette

but two owls portend doom

for those breathing in noxious fumes

in a land of beans, buy no beans,

bring me a toad

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

the golden harvest mason jar rests gently on the table

when he went to get his papers he forgot he was a staple

the only thing time I covet cheese is when it's in a bagel

I have 40 million horses crying loudly in the stable

she could tell it was a shrimp boat because it had a label

In terms of everything, it was all there. The totality was complete.

it's a great day to have a great day

Pretty much everything is going well. I just need to put more water in my body.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

happenings in a climbing gym

 The following are a collection of sentences to describe the experience of one person who by the consequences of his own actions spent an inordinate amount of time in an indoor bouldering gym.

The rental shoes would pile up in a plastic bin. They would form a mountain of sweaty, smelly, tired synthetic rubber. One by one they would be paired and organized and sprayed with a sanitation spray. Everyone, in some professional capacity at some point in their lives, should have the job of cleaning up someone else's mess.

The colorful holds were placed in bizarre patterns all over the wall.

People were often told to trust their feet while simultaneously placing said feet on deliberately slippery holds with the expressed intention of making the person slide down the wall unexpectedly and their heart jumping into their throat. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

my new hobby is filing down my callouses

 I recently discovered this is a thing you can do. It's really fun to take rough sandpaper hands and make them almost smooth as if they aren't covered in callouses. I impulse bought a nail file at the grocery store while I was buying coffee. I also impulse ordered a melodica and I'm excited to start learning songs.

the event was inarguably inaugural

feeling the BEST

a lot of wisdom is just swapping around words in a common phrase

the early bird might get the worm, but the worm has died so it's a zero sum game

Monday, October 10, 2022

today at work this guy was like

 if I ever have a kid, I'm gonna punk him all the time. Constantly. That way he'll grow up and be un-punkable because of how much I punked him.

and I was like, if I ever have a kid I'm gonna be like, "hey, you know why you're nice to me? it's because I was nice to you all the time. boom! gotcha!" dumb little kid.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

i take a rest day very seriously

i don't move. i don't go anywhere. i don't do anything. because I do a lot during the week and I have filtered out almost everything I don't like doing and that's my favorite part of being an adult. going, "i hate that" and then not doing it anymore.

Friday, October 7, 2022

being a positive member of my community

 I spend a lot of time at the climbing gym and one thing I hope I can be is a positive member of that community and someone who encourages and supports the people who go there, particularly the athletes I coach. 

I watched this interview with this very famous running coach and he talked about coaches he had growing up and one that stood out to him was a basketball coach who was so excited about games and the sport. And that excitement and passion was what stuck with this running coach when he was little. I really love climbing so that's an example I'd also like to set.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

the earth and its many doings

 the wind blows

the sun shines

the rain falls

the birds sing

the mud gurgles

the puddle consumes

the moon rises

the stars twinkle

the clouds float

the snow covers

the lights blind

the mountains mountain

the ocean waves

the leaves rustle

the volcano erupts

the economy collapses

the buildings vibrate

the butter churns

the gas leaks

the ice thaws

the birds sing

the rain falls

the sun shines

the wind blows

Monday, October 3, 2022

first thing you gotta do to have a great day

 is to wake up

then think about all your past selves that brought you to this moment

all of their successes and failures

and be grateful for that and absolutely kill it

Sunday, October 2, 2022


more like rocktober. because it's time to crush.