Monday, July 26, 2021

doing well

I haven't posted in a while but I'm doing really well. Summer is going great. I just spent a week in dolly sods west Virginia. it was a blast. 

I'll write more after camp winds down. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

stuck in a rainstorm

sitting in the car
waiting for the storm to let up a bit
before rushing inside
always reminds me of mom

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Staying Busy

 I went to Wegman's at 10PM last night to buy groceries. I also did my laundry late at night. It's kind of nice to do some chores late on Saturday. The neighbors were being loud and playing music and setting off fireworks. It's some rowdy college boys who moved into a renovated house two doors over. They're obnoxious. At least they confine it to weekends. I don't mind it too much when I can sleep in anyway.

Yesterday I did some painting and carving. I have a lemon with an eye on it, a caterpillar, a weird abstract fisherperson, and a stylized claw looking thing that I found in the guard shack at camp and sanded. 

I'm thinking about getting back on craigslist free stuff and trying to make some trades but I think even more than that I'd like to find a place to put these in the world. I've been seeing a lot of painted rocks and things around town and I really like those. Maybe that's a better option. 

I had a good climb yesterday. I worked on a bunch of little projects that I knew I could get but for whatever reason hadn't been getting until yesterday. That felt good. The gym was also really empty which I prefer. I think I need to try harder things. Sometimes I feel like I'm not progressing but that's really because I never even attempt harder problems. I still challenge myself but it's on grades that I know I can usually get. Not that grades really matter. Grades might actually be a poor measure of improvement because they're subjective and if you're doing a lot of different climbs at V4 for a while and not doing many V5's it doesn't necessarily mean you aren't improving. You're learning a lot of different movements and styles at the V4 level. 

My squash plant is not looking great :/ I think it might not be getting enough water? It's hard when it's really hot and sunny for days on end and I'm only home for a little bit. The other plants look good though. Cucumber plant is really thriving. 

I'm doing good.