Friday, April 28, 2017

words!? you like words?!

lots of words. the best words.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Power Up, dude

if you're having problems in your life, trying powering up. even if you go full ninny. it doesn't matter. take the power. grasp it.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Finding a Cause

Poor Mike. Though he had the evilest of intentions, he was incapable of any actions whatsoever.

But now it seems Mike may have acquired a dark and terrible purpose: vengeance!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

gave myself a power

you can do anything when you make a comic. pew pews. plotted pants. let your imagiknees roam and stretch across broad vistas and narrow vistas.


pretty crazy that volcanoes are real. don't even act like they aren't. I don't know. as much as I want to be excited about volcanoes being real... the world is too much with us.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


I heard this interview once with Stan Lee and he said that one day Jack Kirby was drawing and came up with this awesome villain with a metal face and a green cape/hood. A real naughty dude.

And Stan Lee took one look at it and said, 'Dr. Doom!'

But then they didn't have anything for him to do. He was just Dr. Doom walking around with a metal face, all dressed up and no where to destroy.

Anyway, I always really liked that image of a villain.

Comics Are Back!

To tell it true, I got hung up on this one for a while. Oftentimes, I will do all the drawings for a comic without any idea what it will be about. But upon inspecting the images put down it will be somewhat natural to string them together with text.

that didn't happen with this one.

ft. glasses friend

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Laws of Cool Guy Dynamics

concentrations of cool guy will inevitably move from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

speaking truth to power...or Geoff

I Am a Spider

I think you can't know what you're going to become and all you really have to go on is delusions but then somehow you still end up becoming that delusion kinda.

A Whole Comic

Now, see, I bet it did not even occur to you that you can make a comic with only one more than one rectangle. This opens up a vast, barren plain of aggressively minimalist possibilities. Quantum physics tells us something about Planck Units. I don't really know. But I do know that planks are another name for wooden rectangles. So it remains to be discovered how few planks are needed to make a comic. 

I'm kinda like a scientist.

It Was Beautiful Today

It was so good today. The air was warm and the sun was bright and the birds were chirping and it was so easy to just be vaporized into cloud particles and you'd leave your cool shades behind and you wouldn't even care. It's always a surprise how good Spring feels and I had to remind myself that this moment was real and that I actually was feeling this good just lying on the couch and drinking coffee with the windows open. Which I guess says a lot about what Winter does to my mental state. BUT THAT'S ALL IN THE PAST NOW! WOO-HOO!!

Crab is Married

A Character in a Story

Joke Man on the Scene

the thing about joke man is that he is not good at it.

New Locations