Wednesday, March 29, 2017

In the week since I made this comic

I don't know if I still agree with it. But I'm pretty sure it was true at the time. And maybe it accomplished what it was supposed to.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

For this Morning's Race

I will summon the ferocity of Cheneral Manager.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Something New!! Oregon Trail Card Game Write-Up!

On February 8th, 2017, The Oregon Trail: Card Game was purchased from the Harrisonburg Target.

The goal of The Oregon Trail: Card Game is to successfully reach Willamette Valley, Oregon without perishing--or, in our case, a minimum number of perishings.

Explanation Video is This Link (the guy in it is kinda dead-pan funny)

The following is a report from The Oregon Trail: Card Game played on March 8th, 2017 with Paulette Deavers (Erin) and T-Kaine (me).

Death Count: 6 (current record).

quick explanation: instead of trying to successfully get to Oregon without dying, Erin and I play a version where you simply try to travel the trail with the fewest number of deaths. After a player dies, the other player(s) continue on until all players are dead. When all players die, everyone comes back to life and play continues.

Death 1: T-Kaine approached the first river encountered in the game with wide-eyed wonder. He attempted to cross and swiftly drowned, apparently lacking the ability to swim or hold his breath for an appreciable amount of time. P. Deavers continued on the trail alone before contracting typhoid and willfully dying from it--not bothering to expend the available resources to prevent dying from tyhpoid.

Death 2: Eager to return to the trail, T-Kaine encountered an unusual legless creature known as the snake. He was bitten and died swiftly. Paully D faced starvation and deliberately went without food, not bothering to expend the available resources to prevent dying of starvation.

Death 3: Paulette broke the wagon and, lacking the ingenuity or parts to repair the wagon (having lost all of her worldly possessions in a single river crossing), stranded the party which was promptly devoured by coyotes upon nightfall.

Death 4: The oxen died of hopelessness and natural causes. Stranded the party. Devoured by coyotes upon nightfall.

Death 5: T-Kaine, in a rare display of action, broke the wagon...coyotes upon nightfall.

Death 6: The ever-curious T-Kaine drank some uniquely colored water and swiftly died of dysentery. Soon after, Paulette Deavers knowingly walked through a pit of snakes because it was "the most direct route" and died of a snake bite- not bothering to walk the extra distance around a pit of snakes to prevent dying from a snake bite.

Conclusion: In a semi-conscious state and riddled with the cholera, T-Kaine was dragged through rivers by Paulette Deavers, each impoverished but somehow more free without possessions left to lose, into the Willamette Valley and the journey was finally concluded.

Other Stats:

Calamities Drawn- Deavers: 11. Kaine: 10.

Calamities Remedied- Deavers: 5. Kaine: 3.

Rivers Forded- Deavers: 14. Kaine: 3.

Supplies Lost to River- Deavers: 7 (ran out of things to lose). Kaine: 1

Towns/Forts played- Deavers 3. Kaine: 0.

Wagons Broked- Deavers: 4. Kaine: 1.

Wagons Fixed- Deavers: 3. Kaine: 0.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

RRRRrrrrRRace Report

How Do Fix Blog Comics Player

Keeps Skipping Ahead to Random Scenes

side note: this blog turned 10 years and 1 month old today. 

other side note: every post (478 of them) from pre-2011 was reverted back to draft form at some point because reasons.