Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happy End of May. Heads up for June.

Note from writing department: APPRECIATE US MORE!

Note from production department: taking job at summer camp soon so may have limited access to laptop and scanner. BUT GET READY FOR A TON OF POSTS TO APPEAR ALL AT ONCE BETWEEN LONG GAPS OF NOTHING! SUMMER 2016!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

6 Comics in One Day: Not a Spelling Bee. A Spelling CRAB!

This one will be at the top but you should read the first one first.

These comics aren't related to each other. Mostly.


Fun fact: Crab Mom is actually one of my most bestest readers.

6 Comics in One Day: Special Air

First installment of Julie fan-fiction.

6 Comics in One Day: Emotion Machine

Emotion Machine: now please take a few minutes to rate my services. You will be entered in a drawing to a win a free month's subscription of Emotion-Pro, with NO ads!