Saturday, May 30, 2015

Three Things on a Table

Everything comes in threes. This is three things.

This is everything.

Two Ways to Say

"WAAAAH! A window to the future?!!!"

"Lemme see lemmeseelemmeseelemmesee!"


"Oh man! I better stop eating my own hands..."

"And start making out with this wall!"

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I Hoped This Day Might Never Come

I see...I see...

double double

It's unnatural. It can never be revealed. There will be mass panic. Hysteria.

toil and trouble

The original flaw, the prime error--the urge to know. That will be our undoing.

fire burn and cauldron bubble

The light will be blinding.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Every Snack Menu from November to February in a really big PDF.

OR: The First 50

I would have included more but Google Drawings wouldn't allow it.

(more to come)

*note the increase/change in camera quality

Snack Menus Nov to Feb

Tiny Monster Frustrated by Vastness of Ocean

''This Ocean is too vast for MY tiny size!''

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

PSA: Doo-Doo Igloos

Is your weird friend asking you if you want to move into a doo-doo igloo?

Don't do it! It's the biggest regret you can ever have. 

Just say "noo" to doo-doo igloos.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Moved Back Home Today


Get teaching job.

Run 80+ miles a week.

Set Mile PR (beat 4:35).

Win 10 Mile race I just found out about a few hours ago and set course record (beat 56:44).

Read a lot of books.

Write every day. (and blog)

Draw every day.

Perform at Little Grill Open Mics.


If I accomplish most of those I will call the summer a success.

Monday, May 18, 2015


This is a drawing of a picture I took on my last day of student teaching.

Grass is fun to draw.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Story About a Duck

This is a journey into madness. Upon the stoop lay the bedraggled, near-dead, spasmodic renegade duck known as Dack Bohdlem. Just as the prophecy had foretold so many weeks prior, he had fallen from the lair of the dragons in the clouds to a hot slab of brick where the one-eyed errand boy of fate had come to collect his eternal ghost. Dack wheezed and spat a shimmering crimson loogie on to the shattered remains of his muscular wing. "Death..." said Dack. " a meal I never thought I'd be ordering off the dollar menu." 

The frail, crusty monstrosity with a bulbous eyeball filling most of its awful spherical head had rounded the corner and moved towards Dack with the slow, crushing certainty of the steamroller of Time. Dack's vision blurred and the world shifted and spun between blotches of red and black like a kaleidoscope that you look into and then it makes you die. "I'm not going out like this. Life still owes me that one last--" he paused while the circuitry of his fuming brain attempted to produce the crescendo to a catchphrase that might make all of this worthwhile. "--still owes me that one last winky smile."

And with that vain, nonsensical protest, the one-eyed enforcer of the oldest rule of all things went about its business as usual.