Saturday, August 30, 2014

Peup School

Side fish! Why are you at a Peup school? You don't belong at a Peup school.

Side fish belongs at a noisy school for canky chrildren.

Keep trying, Side Fish! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

They Heard a Voice that Said

I don't really know what this song is supposed to be about but I enjoy it very much. 

It seems like it's about that very vivid, morbid imagination you get when you're scared in the middle of the night and doing something you're not supposed to. Conspiracies, mythical evil beings, the police. 

And then a Man from Upstairs actually appears and he just sings a crazy song and there isn't really any resolution at all. 

It's cartoonish and childlike. Jimmy (the little boy) gets shot and killed but then there's a nonsensical happy resolution and it feels like the story has run its course.

It's a narrative-driven song that seems like it will end up being a cautionary tale and that the Man Upstairs isn't real or is actually a babysitter ("he's for hire, he'll take care of you"). But then it abandons the narrative and the Man Upstairs is just a guy who calls himself the Man Upstairs. It's like the song finally gets caught up in the energy of itself and doesn't carry anymore about the story or its purpose. It's just the fun of associations and making stories.

On the one hand, it's an extremely dark song about a boy who is killed, his overactive, terrifying imagination, and an ominous reference to God himself.  But on the other hand, it's "I'm a freak! Go boy!" and a wild happy horn outro.

They write themselves into a corner and resolve it with weird, crazy-person living upstairs joy. As if the stakes were never really that high to begin with. I can imagine the cops and the Man Upstairs and the parents of the boy all dancing around the living room with little Jimmy's corpse in the middle of it all.

There's an energy the builds and drives the song. As it goes along everything is heightened and eventually boils over and loses all control. But it had to. The energy of the song demanded it.  And then it explodes.

And that's a feeling we've all probably had and something that music does very well.

Good job Pain.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Toppa Da Heap

[quotes to be read in an extremely indignant, high-pitched voice. Yippee-dog like.]

The shadow of my lower jaw while eating a grapefruit

mow mow mow mow mow MEH!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

4 People and a Battery

Everyone wants what the other one gots. We all gotta share if we wanna get on. 

Bob Dylan denies having ever said that. But, you know.

Yeah he did.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Youth in Wait

"I wish my pizza-based video games would hurry up and get here already!"

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

1 by 4

A butt by water.

I am clearly not very experienced in drawing butts. But, at the same time, I tried to keep it modest. Because I practice discretion all the dangs times.

2 by 4

Made these in North Carolina.

Badly Drawn Dragon on the staircase.

Trail like what I ran on?

4 by 4

Four things!

Made these in North Carolina. We saw an otter on the lake. Two-legged inguinodon. Batman. Tower. 

Geoff Grakus

Need to get caught up on August.

Made this on my last day of Summer Session for Teacher School. Intergalactic feasting, indeed!